Enter your first and last name:*
Enter Brokerage name:*
Enter the number of years you've been in real estate:*
Describe one recent personal and one business accomplishment (at least 150 words requirement):*
List recent volunteer role(s) within the community (role and type of service) (at least 150 words required):*
Tell us why you are interested in joining the Pat Jensen Leadership Academy? How will it benefit you? (at least 150 words requried):*
In your opinion, what are the current issues impacting the real estate industry and CAAR? How can CAAR address these issues? (at least 150 words required):*
Describe your participation in CAAR, VAR, and NAR groups and events:*
How did you hear about the Pat Jensen Leadership Academy? (check all that apply)*
CAAR News Group E-newsletter
CAAR Email
CAAR Social Media Channel
My Broker
A colleague
General Membership Meeting
Professional Reference #1 - Enter a professional reference (name, title, business name, email, phone number):*
Professional Reference #2 - Enter a second professional reference (name, title, business name, email, phone number):*
Check the box to confirm you will send a letter of reference to info@caar.com from the above professional references within three (3) business days of the application submission:*
I will